Unlimited FREE transfers to Pakistan!

Send money to Pakistan without any fees.


Campaign Rules:

  1. e& money is offering zero fees on all International Money Transfers (“IMT”) to Pakistan
  2. There is no minimum amount in order to benefit from this promotion.
  3. Zero fees is applicable on all transfers, across all available countries and all methods.
  4. In order to avail 0 fees, customer needs to use the promo code available on checkout. 
  5. This Campaign is subject to the Campaign Terms which can be accessed here. You must ensure you read these terms before participating in the Campaign.
  6. This Campaign is offered at the sole discretion of e& money and e& money reserves the right to modify or vary the Campaign Rules or the Campaign Terms at any time.
  7. In addition to our other rights stated in the Campaign Terms, if you breach or violate any of the Campaign Terms or Campaign Rules, we have the right to remove you from the Campaign.